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October 2013

The Bronze Age

Bronze viewIn New England, Southern New England that is, the bronze days are upon us. Maple leavesMost of the native maples have dropped their leaves but the oak leaves are persistent and hang on until the abscission layer fully forms. This is as variable as the oak varieties and the season in the woodland and garden. There are black oaks, white oaks, red oaks and pin oaks. Oak Leaves - BronzeSome do have bright red coloration but the majority of oaks in my garden turn bronze. It has been clear and bright and very dry here this fall. The spring in the back former field which was walled up a century ago and used for watering cattle is dry. FrondThe frost has arrived darkening the fern fronds and stripping the color from the late annuals and the foliage. Yellow is left, brown is left and bronze. The bronze offers golden afternoons with low slanting sunlight. The drone of the bees is now absent from the garden but the birds are still singing and there is a distinct crunch under foot. In the early morning it is the crunch of frost but later in the day it is the dry, fallen leaves which are begging to be lifted and turned into compost.Manure spreader The old manure spreader has a bronze patina of its own lending to the warmth of this season. What color is your fall garden today? 

Bushy American Aster

AsterI have a native wildflower blooming this late in the garden. I think it is the bushy American aster, Symphyotrichum dumosum, although it could be S. racemosum. It is hard to tell them apart.  The flowers are arranged more loosely in the S. dumosum species and it would appear the same as the plant which has volunteered its cheerful autumn blooms in my garden. The foliage is light and airy. I often wonder how the volunteers arrive in the garden. Do they travel on the breeze or are they dropped by a passing bird who enjoyed this seed? The flowers do mature to small puffs so the obvious answer would be that they arrived on a breeze. I never saw it happen. There are no asters in the field but, nonetheless, this plant has seeded in the front of the border. No matter. It is a see through plant and one that I now enjoy. Despite intensive gardening Mother Nature often has her own ideas on what should be growing in the borders. The ragweed gets weeded out as do many of the Queen Anne's Lace seedlings since they have a tendency to take right over. This plant I leave. It is well behaved and I think you will agree, quite lovely. This is really my first Wildflower Wednesday post and thanks go to Gail at Clay and Limestone for hosting and helping to make us all aware of the natural wonders of our own specific areas.

Bloom Day - October 15, 2013

MonardaAnother Bloom Day is upon us and there is much still blooming in the garden. We have had just one light frost with no real damage on the tender annuals. Perennials such as catmint and bee balm are throwing a few last blooms. Fall foliage is quickly passing peak leaving the copper colors of oak leaves and pine needles to warm the days. The natural decline is well under way.  Masses of bloom are a thing of the past but there are some blooms if one takes the time to walk slowly and search them out. I do deadhead the bee balm and this one has several bright blooms. Spanish FlagNo hummingbird is coming by though. They have left for their seasonal vacation. The Spanish flag vine is blooming as is the Eupatorium 'Chocolate'. Eupatorium 'chocolate'The major bloom of the asters is past but there are a few blooms left on Professor Kippenburg who loves the companionship of the orange tithonia. Tithonia and asterThe deer are in search of food and they have taken their more than fair share of the tender tops of the Hydrangea p. 'Vanilla Strawberry'. Hydrange 'Vanilla Strawberry'As a result, there are only a couple of blooms on this shrub. This bloom is aging gracefully while the new bloom is a sweet, tender pink. Vanilla StrawberryI will do a bit better with the deer proofing next season. NicotianaNicotianas shake off both cold and low light and this one reseeded from last year. It should be a bit further back in the border but who am I to argue with Mother Nature. Lady faceThe fishpond has yet to have a skim of ice on the top but it is coming and the sleeping lady planter carries this sedum for crowning glory. She is resigned to the change in season and some days I do feel as she looks but most days I look forward to the changes. There is always something interesting to see and while it becomes more of a challenge as the days shorten and the cold descends it makes me hunt a little harder for the treasures of the season. It will be a challenge to find blooms for the next Bloom Day in November. I will find at least one although it may be an inside bloom. Thanks go to Carol at May Dreams for hosting this Bloom Day. You can find a multitude of other blooms from all over the world over at May Dreams.

Golden Days

Fall GrassIt happens quickly. The turn from summer to fall. Here in southern New England we are in 'The Golden Days' of fall. The whites pines shed their needles this past weekend creating a blanket of burnished copper under their boughs. Pine needle carpetThis blanket muffles sounds, covers the imperfections on the floor of the pine woodland and it also creates a spongy and inviting carpet for the casual hiker or hapless gardener on the way to the compost pile.The drive  There is still brilliance in the garden and the surrounding woodland. 2 SassafrassCrimson and gold mix together as the low angle of the sun illuminates the leaves. Bough autumn colorIt is a turning point-Nature's last colorful gift to the gardener before the onset of gray and dreary November which is perhaps a necessary respite from the color of 'The Golden Days' of fall. There is much still in bloom here as the first frost has been reticent to show his face. That is fine with this gardener. Moonflower 2The moonflower vine was planted late and has just started its show which will be short indeed. The Spanish Flag vine or Mina lobata self seeded next to the tutuer in the island garden. Spanish Flag VineIt has cheery tricolor flowers which match the colors of fall here perfectly. It was a gift from Mother Nature this season and it is much appreciated. Did anything crop up unexpectedly in your garden this season? 