Belated Bloom Day - April 17, 2013
April 17, 2013
The slow bloom continues here in southern New England. The Rhododendron mucronulatum 'Cornell Pink' has finally made an appearance and one that is most welcome. You could call this bubble gum pink or cotton candy pink or even Pepto Bismol pink. It is clear pink whatever you want to call it and you should have a few of these in your garden. You should if you can. They are delightful.
The pulmonaria is blooming at its feet and while small, it continues to gain size as the warm weather unfolds.
The curious bloom of the native Pachysandra procumbens is more evident if the ragged leaves are removed. I haven't done this in previous years but I think I will make it a part of the annual maintenance routine. The new leaves are just emerging and this plant is more of a clump grower rather than a rampant spreader like its cousin, Pachysandra terminalis. The foliage is also dull rather than shiny but it has a sturdy and lush appearance.
Scilla siberica is blooming and this little bulb is a must have given its easy care and ability to naturalize. Lapis blue is not a common color in the garden and this one shines from a distance. Another small tuber is blooming, Corydalis solida.
This spring ephemeral has lovely lacey foliage and it also spreads easily. I have found it in places far from its first home which makes me wonder how it traveled so far. No doubt in a division of some other perennial.The forsythia is being a bit persnickety about bursting into bloom and is just in colored bud. The Chionodoxa are blooming their beautiful blue and the river of daffodils is just unfolding.
Every spring day brings something new to the garden if I look closely enough. I hope to see what is blooming in your garden via the blog of our Bloom Day hostess, Carol of May Dreams. Sorry I am late to the party.