Confessions - Vegetable Garden -2011
Wordless Wednesday - October 26, 2011

Today in the Garden...Sassafras albidum

IMG_5369Today in the garden the shadows were long. The corn patch is tilled and planted with rye. Yes, it was planted a bit late but it has been warm and no frost has graced the garden yet. The rye has not germinated yet but since we had heavy rain on Thursday and today promises more sun and warmth, I expect to see it by Monday. The native sassafras clump behind the bird house, on the other side of the wall, is one of the few patches of fall color in the garden this year. IMG_5370
Last year it was brilliant but this year, so far, it is just a dull yellow. Sassafrass trees 2010Fall 2010The leaves of the sassafras, Sassafras albidum, are smooth oval in their youth but they mature to a three lobed form at maturity. DSC_0052I have read that the Sassafras tree is an important food for white tailed deer. I wish the deer would stay on the back side of the wall and leave the garden on the front alone. Deer are just as opportunistic as a Sassafras clump.

