Wordless Wednesday - Colchicums - 10-5-11
Bloom Day - October 15, 2011

October Light

Old and new hydrangea bloomsThree weeks into fall, the weather feels like summer. Clear and warm, the temperatures are no indicators of this season.  The aging flowers on the hydrangea and the lengthening shadows do tell the tale as do the ornamental grasses which have their fall plumes. October lightNo frost has yet appeared on the pumpkins here and the dahlias are still going strong since they flower better, more profusely and have longer stems for cutting during the shorter days of this season. Dahlia and lamb's earThere does seem to be a crowd gathering around the fish pond. Frog conventionI think these guys are croaking in approval of the weather. Nice weather does make getting those necessary fall chores done a bit more quickly. The gray, cold weather will be here soon and with it comes an energy lull. I am going out into the garden right now. What chores are you doing this week?

