Happy Easter
Gardening challenges

Perennial Borders and Spring Warmth

A misty, late April morning

It had to happen and this weekend the temperatures soared into the 70's on Sunday after a very chilly Saturday.  Overnight changes, daily changes and hourly changes are not uncommon in the midst of a New England spring.  Flowers popped.  DSC_0014
The glow of the Perfectly Pink rhododendron, this one is R. mucronulatum 'Cornell Pink', brings the back border into color reminiscent of Bazooka bubble gum. There is no comic included but who needs it?  The bees are loving these unscented flowers perhaps even more than the gardener.  Gail of Clay and Limestone will forgive me for borrowing her phlox title.  She has 'perfectly pink phlox' blooming in her garden right now.  I know why she loves it, the color, the dependability, the easy disposition.  DSC_0022The river of daffodils is blooming out of sync this year.  The two colors, yellow daffs and cream colored with salmon trumpets, always have bloomed together.  This year the yellow bloomed well ahead of the lighter color.  Years ago I planted the cream/salmon daffodils first.  DSC_0024
I am overwhelmed by bright yellow in the spring.  The forsythia plus the daffodils are just a bit harsh to my eyes in the spring light.  Alas, yellow does show up best from a distance so this lesson was learned and the river extended to include bright yellow along with the multiple flowering and sweetly fragrant, tazettas.  DSC_0028
The interruption in the flow of this river includes some species tulips and some camassia which bloom a bit later.  I call it 'the rapids' in the river but it really slows down the flow.  I am going to fill in the gaps this fall.  Now I just have to mark the spots.  Will it get done?  Who knows as there are other spring chores awaiting attention. Are you catching up on chores?  What is left to be done in your garden?   

