Garden whites
Dog days


High 78 F

Low  63 F


A walk to the back field revealed the bright yellow blooms of the Goldenrod, Solidago canadensis, which gets little respect from many in spite of its' fine form and color.  It is native to North America and it is a member of the Asteraceae family. DSC_0020 The nursery trade does offer cultivars which have a bit different flower structure or are more compact such as 'Little Lemon', 'Golden Fleece' and 'Fireworks'. These do fit a bit better into the foreground of the garden.  The native goldenrod is standing tall this year, about eye level which makes it close to six feet tall.  I don't look forward to the bloom of the goldenrod only because it signals the end of summer and summer didn't seem to arrive here this year. It has been wet, gray and gloomy for a good part of this summer. The yellow of goldenrod is clear and bright with no orange in it.  It would combine well with Monkshood, liatris, or balloon flowers.  The bees love it, Tucker loves to roam through it in the field, andDSC_0025 it is drought tolerant and resiliant.  The layered flower stems are quite interesting when viewed at eye level.  The strap like leaves are neat and tidy and show no insect damage.  If this plant were finicky or hard to find I think it would be well sought after.DSC_0019  I am appreciating the ''commonness'  of this perennial.  Do you have any goldenrod in your garden or neighborhood or is this a plant just too common for any attention? 

