Impatiens balsamina - Touch-me-not
August 27, 2009
High 78 F
Low 62 F
There are few perennials blooming in my borders in August and early September. The asters are not yet coloring up and the daylilies are looking bedraggled and need some grooming. The few annuals I planted are providing much needed color although the lack of moisture is going to soon take its' toll on them. I have one astilbe which is dried up to crinkly brown foliage and the other perennials are starting to suffer. This spring I started some annual old fashioned impatiens, Impatiens balsamina, for the border. This is not an annual I have planted before this season but it is one that a friend recommended to me many years ago. You know, that tidbit of information which lies dormant until something, in this case seeing a bed of colorful Impatiens balsamina, triggers the memory. I. balsamina, or Touch-Me-Not, came into favor during the Victorian era. It is native to India and Southeast Asia. It was widely planted in this country only after World War II according to Burpee's information. I don't often see it in gardens but I have found after just one season that it is worth planting. The pastel flower colors blend well together in the border and it grows to 24" tall. It flowers in a good amount of shade although it is listed as growing well in full sun if the soil is rich and moist.
I could have planted it a bit better. A larger grouping would make more of a statement. Experience is a great teacher and I will do better with it next year. Has anyone else grown this pretty annual and, if so, what are your thoughts?