The Green of spring
Wordless Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Heat wave!

High 88 F but it was 95 F in Boston!
Low 53 F
The end of April brings record high temperatures here in New England. Currently, at ten a.m. it is 80 degrees.  I know many other parts of the country are experiencing highs also and this gardener does not approve.  The blueberries are in bloom, the tulips and daffodils are marching on to heat destruction and many of the early flowering shrubs are also blooming.  The blooms last such a short time when the temperatures are high.  Today's high is an expected 88 F which feels way too warm to this unacclimatized gardener.  The flowers will come and go much more quickly and it is hard to garden in this heat. The frost is sure to come and tender new foliage and flowers will be at risk. DSC_0047    I can empathize with the Austin and other southern bloggers when I feel as limp as the petals on the tulips.   That ends the complaining and I am still embracing the  'River of Bulbs' in the GFSD garden.  There is a newcomer to the river.  DSC_0046 This orange tulip was in a orange/yellow Color Blends mixture and is one of the first to show up in this border.  I realize that I should have just planted orange as the daffodils are yellow and provide enough contrast.  We are all enjoying the color here and Tucker likes to pose...well, he grudgingly obliges me, and poses to provide scale and a canine element to the garden. DSC_0018 What is a garden without a dog?

