Wordless Wednesday, 9-10-08
Wet Weekend!

Newport Secret Garden Tour, Bellevue House

High 70 F
Low  43F
Oh to have a fountain such as this one!  Water spitting from many jets below,Dsc_0012 up on the table of Pomona, down the center of the granite table, through the spitterDsc_0011 and then under the bridge and on toward the rill garden. Dsc_0008 Such masterful design! I love the mosaics lining this channel.  They are also used in this Celtic knot Dsc_0007_2 in the formal box garden. Dsc_0003_2 The front door is welcoming with its' elegantly planted cast iron urns.  Here is a closeup which shows the plants and includes the variegated pokeweed. Isn't it curious how such and inelegant weed gains notoriety once the leaves become speckled and splotched.    For those of you who have to take down a massive tree, consider carving the trunk.  Dsc_0015 This beech tree has new life as a carved monkey and, a monkey with a spyglass to boot!   Why didn't I think of that?  In addition to the  rill garden there is a new pond garden Dsc_0024 complete with Japanese bridge and plantings. Dsc_0023 The pond reflects this structure. Dsc_0020 I am not sure why I did not take that reflection.  I was trying to absorb the landscape here in the hub of Newport along upper Bellevue Avenue.   This is an evolving garden and a lived in home.  Thanks go out to the owner, Mr Fleming, for the personal tour and for opening his garden so that we could have a glimpse of the beauty behind the gates.   

