August 09, 2008
High 80 F
Low 55 F
New plants appear each year in the garden centers and the one above, Hibiscus 'Haight Ashbury' is a great hibiscus for color although of the two I purchased only this one still has this mottled coloration. I noticed at the garden center, in a block of several of these plants, that some had reverted to solid mahogany. Still pretty but not as interesting as this one which would have bright red flowers along the stems if I had it in more sun. Another interesting annual is
Alternanthera ‘Red Thread
which looked great with the bat faced cuphea until the Japanese beetles ate those to shreds. It has filled the pot nicely though and now stands on its' own. This morning glory
is threading its' way around the bench at the fish pond. It is no substitute for the true blue but since it has volunteered for the job of color, I can appreciate it on its' own merits.
This is the bottlebrush buckeye which is just about finished with its' blooming. It is one of those shrubs which doesn't garner too much attention but it is quite interesting in form whether flowering or not. I like the way it 'floats' in the corner of the garden under this large oak.
The light is changing in the garden as summer's peak passes. There is no denying the shortening of the days and the lengthening of the shadows. What is prettier than the dappled light on a lawn?