Weekend update!
Reflections ...

Public Gardens, Garden in the Woods!

High 79 F
Low  49 F

This week I took a side trip to Garden in the Woods which is a public, wildflower garden with great walking trails.  It is in Framingham, MA.  Lots to see there this time of year!  There does seem to be a bug problem at the Visitor's Center.  Can anyone identify this one!  Dsc_0034_2 They do have some nice plants for sale in this area but I did not purchase any.  The trail begins at this water feature. Dsc_0033
Click on picture to enlarge
The little red flowers are pitcher plants, Sarracenia. These are Sarracenia oreophila. Dsc_0072 They are quite intriguing.   Most of the plants in this wildflower paradise have identification tags.  The trail bends down this hill with the Rhododendrons Dsc_0045 in bloom along the way.  Beneath that Rhododendron is a stand of Maidenhair fern which is just beautiful. Dsc_0039 Trilliums Dsc_0049_2 line the pathways and so do ladyslippers although I only saw the yellow ladyslipperDsc_0044 which I have never seen wild in the New England woods except for here in this garden.  Still, they are pretty and very curious.  Along the path there was this benchDsc_0061 projecting from the stone wall.  I want a few of these!  Winding around hills and through wet depressions I came upon the Dsc_0066 bog gardens which have the pitcher plants growing in them.  They seem prehistoric to me with their unusual form.  One of the workers showed me how the flower forms a cup Dsc_0070 around the nectar necessitating the insect to climb inside this chamber in order to feed and spread pollen.  This one is Sarracenia flava.    A room of yellow for an insect! Dsc_0077 Have any of you ever heard of turkey beard, Xerophyllum asphodeloides?   The seed head looks like this Dsc_0079 and it does form a softly textural carpet of clumps on the forest floor.  It is not a plant I have seen before but I found it very interesting. Stopping at Garden in the Woods was a delightful respite from the sales circuit and we must all maximize our mileage these days which is my excuse for visiting along with the educational factor of learning a few new plant names.  Here is one last, ethereal, shot of the Sarracenia. Dsc_0074 Do any of you grow anything like this?

