Morning walk!
May 22, 2007
High 66 F
Low 40 F
and I started off for the A.M. garden viewing and nature walk, he with his nose to the ground and me with coffee cup in hand and the camera around my neck. The coffee wasn't the only thing steaming this morning. Here is the source of all good!
Black Gold! It will be a few weeks before this is ready for the garden! The Carolina silverbell is loosing its' flowers leaving a carpet of petals on the maidenhair fern and the ground.
Next it was into the woods for a look at the water hole and surrounding plants. This little Jack in the pulpit was turned face in to the trunk of a tree, hence the side view. The spathe and spadix flower always intrigues me.
It looks like something from the nether world. Back out into the field, the highbush blueberries are covered with flowers.
While the berries are tiny on these bushes compared to those on the cultivated varieties, they are so much more flavorful.
Perhaps this year, there will be enough for a pie or pudding! One of the cats has to get into the act also and will take any opportunity for a rub along the ear! This is Spot, so named because she has spots on her belly.
She also keeps company with the garden gnome, a salute to all things wrong with garden statuary of which I seem to have an overabundance.
On to the pool area. The cover will come off tomorrow and yesterday I transplanted some daylilies to the edge border.
It is supposed to be hot, dry and sunny for the next few days so they will have two chances, they will either live or they will die. They had to be moved anyway so other than the weeding, shoveling, dividing and planting, there is no loss! On the way back across the lawn, this portion of the garden caught my eye.
After all this, Tucker was a bit warm so he found a way to cool off! There is nothing better than a plunge in the frog pond.